Squad Training

Athlete Development Support Pathway (ADSP)

Kendal ASC have adopted the Athlete Development Support Pathway (ADSP) model developed by Swim England. The model is a framework for the development of children’s physical literacy (fundamental movement skills and sport specific skills) and aims to encourage lifelong participation in sport and physical activity (in this case aquatics).

The model includes seven key stages, with clear progression routes from Active Start right through to Active for Life.

Kendal ASC caters for four of these stages, FUNdamentals through to Training to Compete, as well as the Active for Life stage with our Masters Squad.

Our Pathway

In September 2023, Kendal ASC revamped our pool timetable following advice from Swim England to provide the optimum training opportunities as a Development Club.

The squad guide shows our squads and how swimmers progress though the club.  Each of the four squads are linked to the correct development stage and are designed to develop children in the best way, encouraging lifelong participation in swimming.

More information on each squad can be found below including the squad lead, squad coaches, purpose, training hours and competition focus in line with the Athlete Development Support Pathway (ADSP) Framework.

It is recommended that female swimmers aged 15 plus and male swimmers aged 16 plus, who are maximising the training opportunities we are able to offer, who would like to enhance their performance further could join a second ‘sister’ club to gain additional training. This could be a local club to keep travelling time to a minimum or a club offering training in a 50m pool therefore offering a further benefit.

Swimmers are also recommended to partake in land training. Numerous sports coaches locally offer strength and conditioning sessions for children and young people namely: Tracy Dixon, Good 220 and MK Coaching (please see their websites and social media channels for further information).

A Squad
Training to Compete

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A Squad

ADSP Stage: Training to Compete
Pool Time per Week: 9 hours
Squad Lead: Vacant
Sub-Squads: A Squad
Purpose: Large volume to enhance endurance with speed development. All four stroke development under fatigue as race pace work introduced
Competition: Club and external galas. Aiming for County, Regional and National comp.

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B Squad
Training to Train

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B Squad

ADSP Stage: Training to train
Pool Time per Week: 6 hours
Squad Lead: Marie Brookes
Sub-Squads: Purple, Green.
Purpose: Increase in volume to develop endurance, introduction of speed swims with primary focus on stroke technique and skills across all four strokes.
Competition: Club and external galas. Aiming for County and Regional competition.

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C Squad
Learning to Train

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C Squad

ADSP Stage: Learning to Train
Pool Time per Week: 2.5 – 3.5 hours
Squad Lead: Vacant
Sub-Squads: Yellow, Red, Orange
Purpose: Further develop swimming specific skills with more volume and for a longer duration. Focus on starts and turns, all four strokes.
Competition: Club galas, Local external galas, Diddy League.

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D Squad

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D Squad

ADSP Stage: FUNdamentals
Pool Time per Week: 1+ Hours
Squad Lead: Vacant
Sub-Squads: D Shallow, D Deep, D25
Purpose: Fun and basic movement literacy developing FMS & CAS.
Competition: 25m and 50m swims in club galas.

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